Tamara Khodzher, Limnological Institute, Russia

Tamara Khodzher has been working at Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LIN SB RAS) since 1972. Since 1996 till present Head of Laboratory of Water and Atmospheric Chemistry.
1971 – Master degree in Chemical-Biological Faculty, Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude, Russia
1988 Degree of ‘candidate of Geographical Sciences’ (equivalent to PhD), St. Petersburg , Russia
2005 – Degree of doctor of Geographical Sciences, Moscow, Russia), with specialization in meteorology, climatology and agrometeorology.
2013 – Professor by specialty meteorology, climatology, agrometeorology, Moscow, Russia
T. Khodzher is a leading specialist in the studies of chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol, atmospheric precipitation, and surface land water. During long-term studies she quantified the input of chemical substances from atmosphere onto the underlying surface, determined zoning of the Baikal Natural Territory and compiled maps of the impact of atmospheric pollution on soils and forest ecosystems. Since 2001, T. Khodzher is Head of the Data Centre representing Russia in the International Programme “Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET)”, is a member of Scientific Council. In 2007-2015 was nominated by World Meteorological Organization as an international expert representing Russia in the group of atmospheric precipitation. As part of a scientific collaboration with French colleagues, takes part in joint studies of the chemical composition of snow cover and ice cores from Vostok station and other areas of East Antarctica.