Nikolay Mashyanov, LUMEX, Russia

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia. Got PhD’s degree in geochemistry of mercury. Present position: Head of International Department of Lumex-Marketing LLC, Russia. Research interest is focused on design of new analytical systems for mercury detection based on Zeeman atomic absorption spectroscopy, their analytical applications; on basic regularities of mercury geochemistry in natural and anthropogenic processes. He has been a plenary invited speaker in many international conferences, group leader of European projects HydroNet and GMOS, leader of Russia – South Africa project on coal mercury. He was included in working group of European Commission for Standartisation developed European Standard EN 15852:2010 Ambient air quality – Standard method for the determination of total gaseous mercury (2006-2009). Recent scientific publications are devoted to mercury analytics and monitoring of atmospheric mercury.